Sunday, April 29, 2007

public should be told about these meetings

Just got back from a wedding of the son of a good friend in Edmonton. Saw two of my sisters and this one is for the councillor - what happens when council has a big public meeting? Today is also the other sisters birthday (so Happy Birthday sister Linda and belated Birthday greetings to sister Peggy from last Thursday) Sounds like a religious gathering......
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Thursday, April 26, 2007

Glad the didn't log this area!

My sentiments on clear cut logging (a hot topic this week). Anyhow, this is my last blog until next week. Camping season is upon us and I will only blog weekdays from now until September.
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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Young Entrepreneurs!

As the sun gets stronger and the days get longer people begin looking ahead to camping season and I'm sure signs of this nature will begin popping up again. (At least the campgrounds will begin opening) Yesterday we got our motorhome back from the repair shop and were pleasently surprised that all that was wrong was a faulty peice worth 17 dollars plus 1.5 hours of diagnostics of the problem! Once again we will be "happy campers".
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Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Watch for falling rock

This is my second attempt for Tuesday, Ithink the last cartoon I selected was too large a file. Anyhow, hope this cartoon makes out better than the road sign!
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Monday, April 23, 2007

Satellite phone service

This is a rather old cartoon (more than ten years ago) that shows the great coverage we all envisioned with satellite phones. Well between the lack of active satellites and sun spot activity even cellular coverage this coming year could be interesting.
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Sunday, April 22, 2007

I'd eat up the profits?

Happy Earth Day 2007!

Well the old battle between green and greed continues - today is a good day to side with the green guys as it is their day (our planet, so it should be a day for all of us). On the economic side of things we went to get our motorhome yesterday which we store out of town 60 kms and begin the camping season and burn up all my emission savings for the year. Well we saved a lot of gas by having it towed into a local garage (it started easy enough, drove a km or so and it died), here's to hoping it is not major $$$ to fix!
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Saturday, April 21, 2007

Wrong side of the forest

Well have you ever had one of those days? Some people can think on their own, while others need direction (some more than others). Last night we spent 5 hours putting a bbq together. It is not that I don't follow directions - I'm a typical man who likes to figure things out by himself. Heck I only had a few pieces left over in the end.
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Friday, April 20, 2007

Earth First

Hey I know if we don't look after this one Mars is a long way and even colder than the Yukon winters (year round). Anyhow this is in honour of Earth Day on Sunday.
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Thursday, April 19, 2007

Those signs lasted a whole week

Signs seem to be only for those that read them (or are there a lot more poor or illiterate people out there than we want to admit)
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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I'm checking my boots for leaks

Good morning, another beautiful spring day in the Yukon - we are no where near having water hoses running outside but this is a good way to check your boots for leaks. Talking about water - we bought a 16' fishing boat this past weekend and filled our hot tub (first use of it since the lines froze when we were on vacation in November)
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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

This culvert is plugged!

Temperatures are getting up there and most of the snow has begun pooling in the ditches and sides of the road. So I'm sure that we will see the highways and city crews out dealing with drainage problems and of course, "plugged culverts". Have a good day.
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Monday, April 16, 2007

sorry I'm late...our iceberg hit a ship

Man I really feel like I am once again in control of my blog......not like the poor seal who had his trip delayed when they ran into a ship.
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it's Spring Mom

Man I have found blogging heaven - after all the troubles I have had loading the past ten days I have now found this great Picaso2 photo editor that allows me to post to my blog in a very simple fast manner! This cartoon should be a scene played throughout the country over the next few weeks.
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Litter Barrell Ahead

Hello I am blogging thorugh a different media and hope this is the answer to my grief of the past week! This cartoon depicts one of the problems encountered not only when the snow goes away but the manner which we abuse the environment by littering.
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Friday, April 13, 2007

Tipping the scales of justice

Well after nearly a week of frustration I finally am able to actually publish/upload a cartoon- maybe there is some "justice" in cyberspace!


I can not get a cartoon to post but I am able to post a photo that we took while in New York outside of the United Nations. I think this is the way we should handle all hand guns!

Monday, April 9, 2007

Spring bear hunt

Whenever I hear one of those anti hunting ads this image pops up in my cartoon infested brain! Hey it is spring and there usually is a spring bear hunt, a little more intense than easter egg hunting but makes the same amount of sense to me (actually I think chocolate tastes better)

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Deer crossing guide

I have been trying to upload an image for the past half hour. Anyhow, like Jimmy Buffet sings: the information super highway is like an LA traffic jam - that is true with the number of folks on the internet it does slow everything down. Well for the rest of you on the real highways - have a happy and safe Easter Sunday.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Better Grab a few more

Hello and happy easter to all, the traffic is pretty heavy on the internet and I imagine the real roads will be busy too. I thought this cartoon would be appropriate for all those holiday visitors.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Spring is just around the corner

With the way the weather has been I think mother nature has been toying with us. Once Spring arrives I think it will hit us in a surprising manner?
Hope everyone has a good easter weekend and be careful if travelling.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Put those potholes over there.

Well when all the snow and ice vacate our roads we are left guessed it - potholes in all shapes and sizes. So be careful you might just step in a deep one!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Robins digging for worms?

It has been a very cool introduction to April with lots of snow still on the ground and temperatures in the range of 10 degrees below normal. You will not be seeing robins on our lawns for awhile (actually we won't be seeing our lawns for a few more weeks)

Monday, April 2, 2007

After this test

Hello, I have been trying to post this particular cartoon for the past ten days when we had a water quality course here in Whitehorse. Then last week Linda and I used the Canada Games Center swimming pool for the first time. Still rather cool in the Yukon as lows are in the -15C range with highs in the -2C area, not quite what we are used to for the beginning of April (10 degrees below normal). Hope everyone has a good start to their week.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Now that's a diamond find

In honor of the start of baseball season tomorrow and to my sister who lives in our diamond capital (Peggy in Yellowknife). The diamonds are not in Yellowknife but the prices due to exploration sure would depict that! Hey it is clear and a sunny -4C right now in Whitehorse.