Thursday, June 28, 2007

Camping aircraft carrier

In honour of the Canada Day long weekend and to all of us that will be out there camping!
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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Some are sly

This cartoon does not have any words/punchline and it is one of only a few I have done with out text! Anyhow we are always hearing about bears breaking into vehicles!
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Monday, June 25, 2007

Why flag girls now wear coveralls

Yes you can imagine in the old days the scantly clad flag girls did cause a bit of a fuss! Now a days the only fuss is making sure they have the right mosquitoe repellant and politically correct "flag persons", personnally I wouldn't get too excited about a guy in a bikinni!
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Thursday, June 21, 2007

The skid marks indicate....

Hello everyone, I have tried to post this cartoon a number of times but the file was too large for the last edition of blogger so I hope this one works! This is in honor of my sister who is ending a 30 plus year career with the Canadian Military (she has lived the past year in Yellowknife and I know the snow and ice have been gone for a while now....but this is to remind her not to leave in too big a hurry), anyhow Peggy best of luck in your new endeavors and have a safe journey into semi-retirement in your new challenge.
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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Don't feed the bears

I just realised I already posted the beaver eating the profits cartoon back in April.....must scan some more so I have new material.
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What do you mean...I'd eat up the profits?

Hey big business in the forest industry....they need to watch their staff closely!
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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

...are those salmon or tuna sandwiches?

Hey I have been fishing a lot lately - heck I'll be going today if the weather permits!
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Monday, June 18, 2007

Shake it again

I think we all remember catching bee's and putting them in a jar (complete with holes in the lid). Seems like there just does not appear to be as many bee's around this year? Darwin did say if all the bee's disappeared we would last about six months (I wonder if that has been updated since the 1800's?)
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Friday, June 15, 2007

Camping season... our favorite time of year

Well this is our favorite time of year, unfortunately the biting bugs like it too! Been getting rain the past week so the bug spray will be needed! Happy Fathers Day to all of you Dads this weekend.
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Thursday, June 14, 2007

How circus bears got their start?

I was down in northern BC yesterday doing some hydrometric work (Atlin Lake) and on our return we saw a very large grizzley bear (its' rear end as it darted off into the bush) along the side of the road. Thus todays cartoon.
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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

oh Boy...pigs in blankets

Rememeber those little weiners wrapped in pastry.....some ketchap and mustard! Next time out make sure you keep a clean camp and do not keep food on or near your sleeping area. Carry on camping...........
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Monday, June 11, 2007

Some choices can be pretty tough!

Yes I have been away for a few days and thus no blogging! Well I also cut the grass for the first time this year (and my golf clubs are stored right next to the lawn mower) so this one is fitting in more ways than I wish to admit!
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Friday, June 1, 2007

wonder what bait he was using?

Hello - with my upcoming fishing trip this is an appropriate one for that subject. Forecast is for very warm weather next week here in the Yukon. We are planning to fish on a few central Yukon lakes over the next ten days in my new boat! Had our motorhome in the shop the past few days getting work done on the differential and a bunch of money later we are ready and raring to go. So the "gone fishing " sign will be up for the next week.
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