Saturday, March 31, 2007

Putting money back into our forests

With all the problems with fires, beetle kill, desease and encroachment we have heard a lot about putting money back into our forests! A beautiful sunny day here in the Yukon and Linda is photographing all of my serious artwork for my art portfolio. Have a great weekend.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Road Blocks

Hello it is Friday afternoon and my compressed day off. Got my hair cut this morning then bottled wine at the local U-brew. Grocery shopping and filling up the truck rounded out our day (not to mention the pocket book) Anyhow, I was unable to post yesterday but was able to edit and I now have some road blocks for you.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Were getting hosed at the pumps

Linda told me I need to take the truck tomorrow so I can fill it up with gas (my job she says). Anyhow, with gas prices hovering around a dollar/litre I think this sums up my feelings.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

On your mark...get set..

Good Morning,

Just went down to the hospital for blood tests as a followup to my annual five year checkup. Anyhow took me three attempts to get a cartoon on my blog so I think this cartoon is fitting for all those sites you see on the web "under construction". Have a good day.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Moose on our highways

Hey Everyone, the days are definitely getting longer but this morning it is -15C and for late March that is rather cool. Busy with work and year end approaching - for me it is like a vacation being on assignment the admin stuff is handled by others and I get to dive into the data approvals! Have a good day.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Almost Spring trade our sleds

I think I have figured out the problem with posting on weekends - too many people on the system just slows every thing down. The days are getting longer and our snow has settled. Baby strollers should soon be replacing the sleds as the cartoon depicts.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Back from a spring walk

Well I am once again able to post! This one is for anyone who has ever owned a pet and know what I mean in .........

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Saturday attempt

Hi everyone, I have been trying to post a cartoon for the past few days to no avail. Anyhow if I can not put a cartoon up today I thought I should at least write something so people know I am still updating daily (or at least trying) Well after four attempts I will have to leave this alone for today - the internet traffic must be too heavy to upload a picture file now?

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

More scare tactics

Hello, A beautiful day here in the Yukon - have been attending a water quality workshop for First Nations environmental officers so today's cartoon is for them and anyone else who is concerned about our planet and the environment.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

March 21 gun lobbyists

Hey, I just have this weird outlook on things and love to play with words! Plus the guns are kinda of cool and laid back in a silly sort of way! Have a great day.

Anxious Gardener

Boy this post was fast! Some days it takes 5-10 minutes to post something. Today I am in on my coffee break and it took less than 10 seconds! Blogger is a great service - anyhow, this cartoon is for all you gardeners who are anxious to get your plants going ( and a little incentive for Linda to start her bedding plants) Happy first day of Spring everyone.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Another winter ending

Well it is clear and -9C and we are heading out to shovel the snow off the motorhome roof (that is a sign of spring for us) and as the sun shines on the hills the bears should start to stir from their winter sleeps. Enjoy the last day of the weekend.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Low dollar and spotted owl

Hello all, was unable to post yesterday due to server was under construction at blogger. Anyhow it is a great service and I have posted two cartoons. The both reveal some of my views of our world financially and ecologically. Yesterday I took Linda out to her volunteer group retreat and she will be back this evening - I get to play in my studio and watch NCAA basketball - March Madness!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Thu Mar 15, One plus for clear cut logging

Good Day,

I am blogging on Wednesday evening for my Thursday spot. All the talk about environmental awareness and what we can do for the environment.

Better shovel snow off the roof today

With all the snow and more on the way a lot of people have been looking at shovelling snow off the roofs of their houses. This cartoon is from an apparently true story a few years ago! Be careful out there.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

In the old days

Good Day,

Last night the sun stayed up past 8 thanks to daylight savings time! I know we really do not need more daylight in the north during the summer but it is necessary to stay on the same time zone as our southern counterparts. The dogs water bowls still freeze pretty solid if left out over night. We are getting darn close to equinox - then the days will really grow daylight wise.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Tonight it freezes tomorrow join us for luge races

Well yesterday was a fine warm day and we had a great end to the Canada Games . This cartoon sums up the sixteen days weather wise (we had a low of -39C with a high of +2C during the games). We had a great time and the Yukon proved we can host an event of this magnitude. The wrap up concert for the volunteers saw 4000 people in the ATCO tent downtown enjoy a super concert last night.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Fish Fat

Good Day All,

Linda is always preaching to me how good fish is for you! So this is for her, this has even greater meaning today as we are having friends over for dinner and guess what Linda is serving ( a big fat salmon). Linda has had fish three days in a row so you know what I mean when I say she is a fish lover. After supper we are off the Great Big Sea concert (Games Volunteer thank You). Will let you know about that tomorrow.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Right about now

Well it just keeps on snowing! Another inch yesterday but I was housebound and now am finally (cross your fingers) over my colc/flu bug. Anyhow shovelled driveway and deck. Todays cartoon reflects things I envision whenever I see someone who can't be bothered to brush off their vehicle before heading down the highway.
Hope you have a good weekend and don't forget to brush the snow off your vehicle.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Winter Cold Kit Friday March 09, 2007

This is the cartoon I have been trying to post for the past three days! For some strange reason (the cartoon gods may have been messing with me) the computer was mimicking the cold I had - fuzzy brain, hard to focus and everything you do seems to take ten times the effort. The only thing my home computer didn't duplicate was my runny nose!

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Until the new rates are in effect Mar 20

It is Monday evening and I am posting my blog late. With gas hikes and some pretty cold weather I am looking forward to Spring in more ways than one. Not to mention that I would like to start using my "Spring" line of cartoons. Anyhow, not that cold today and yesterday we shovelled the snow off our motorhome in anticipation of spring. I would like to dedicate this cartoon to an artist friend Maddy (we would like her to know that our thoughts and prayers are with her and her family)

Transporting raw logs

It took three attempts over three days but I finally managed to upload this cartoon (and it still was not the one I intended) but that in its self is another story! Anyhow, using the environment in a different sense.

amateur weathermen

Well it snowed again last night and I'm sure we all could become weather forecasters just by looking at the sky sometimes. Anyhow it seems to be really hit & miss with uploads today. Maybe the fact that I have had a cold/touch of the flu my computer is having sympathy pains too!

Monday, March 5, 2007

Under the weather


I spent today at home as I picked up a "flu" bug that put me in bed for the better part of the day. I have tried to download a cartoon but the site is experiencing problems, I will try and update first thing tomorrow. Well it is now two days later and finally I am able to update my blog. Anyhow- here goes! I know I have already posted the "dizzy" cartoon but it really goes with the Ice Fishing!

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Pencils do work

Hello Everyone,

For some unknown reason the link I have sent some of you does not appear to work all the time? Anyhow, if you are geting this directly that is good. I will be trying to send via our own home email or by way of my work email. Linda & I have completed our Canada Games volunteering even though the Games still have another week to go (we must get back to our real jobs) Still unseasonably cold here in the Yukon. Todays cartoon is much along the lines of my computer skills! Pencils work best for me.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

International Polar Year Kickoff

In honor of the 1st of March IPY kickoff! The last International Polar Year was in 1957 (the year I was born) and even though global warming is pretty much agreed on by all there continues to be debate as to overall political and otherwise effects.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Time saving U-turns

It is my Friday off and I have already been outside in -25C snowblowing the driveway. Today is turn around day as it is the middle of the Canada Games and first week athletes are leaving and week two participants are arriving.