Monday, November 16, 2009

It is the beginning of cold and flu season!

With all the worries about catching this or that the best we can do is take as many precautions as possible.
Wash your hands, take some drugs and what ever you do.........try not to "cough" on or into your computer!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

hunting season in full swing

It is hunting season and those hunters are always looking a new ways to cover more territory!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Some people just need a little more direction than others.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Hello to anyone who might visit my site. Has been a few months since I last posted. Did a raod trip down the Alaska Highway in July and when I looked at my post this morning I thought I would post he only cartoon I did that did not make it into a newspaper!

Monday, June 15, 2009

cutting back on beer consumption!

Hey now that it is summer in most of Canada and I am busy camping every chance I get I think it wise to look at ways to keep from drinking too much beer!
So heck drink at a micro brewery, you could have a couple dozen of hit size and still function reasonably well the next day!
Unless you are like me and enjoy wine too!

Monday, June 1, 2009

spring sewing

Well it is the first of June and as I flew across the prairies yesterday I could just imagine from 30,000 feet the farmers down there sewing their fields!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Plugged drains

hey although most of the snow is gone and our record snowfall is just a memory we still have a few things to deal with..............
Whitehorse has been one of the warmest spots in the country the past week and we have not saw a cloud in almost a week!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Hey winter appears to finally be coming to an end! At least most of us hope so - have even heard a few reports of bears on south facing slopes digging up roots! Funny the cartoon is a dozen years old yet the snooze paper headlines are still pretty much applicable to today.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Spring Ice Fishing

Well I know that things are breaking up ice wise in the south but here in the Yukon one can still go ice fishing on lakes - just be carefull you don't get to dizzy!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I think it is that time of the year when this is a definite possibility!

Plus 6C in Whitehorse today with lows of -3C and up to 8C by the end of the week.............

Friday, March 27, 2009

Clearing snow from the roof.

Hello anyone who reads my blog.....we have had soooooo much snow this year a few people have begun cleaning off their house, trailer/RV, greenhouse etc as the weight is a concern. So be careful!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March - coming in fine.....

Well it has been a very heavy snow year for the yukon. Lots of snow and a few weeks back we had near record snow on the ground......of course a cruise through the Panama Canel can shorter the winter.....but we still have snow that the city has to remove from the for the time being be careful when cutting corners!!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Work-Life balance?????Justice style

Hey I am in transit to the east coast for a work-life balance workshop and thought this was an appropriate cartoon!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year

Well Happy 2009, I had not updated my site since November as we were in warmer climates. Anyhow rather cold here today -39C but it is always colder some where else (Dawson, Yukon is -45C so I will not complain to loudly). My first solo art show at the Yukon Art Centre Grotto was a great success and it has opened a few doors plus we sold a number of pieces.

In the mean time don't forget to warm up you car & I hope your tires are not too square!