Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Did you unplug all of them

Hello everyone,

Well tomorrow is the first of March, in like a lion! It was clear and cold last night and the northern lights even made a short appearance. It was minus 35C this morning and went up to a whopping -20C this afternoon good we are able to plug in at the college where we are volunteering.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Security Check

Working security at the Canada Games has been fun and we have saw some amusing characters. This cartoon just reminds me of how focused on one issue some enforcement people can be! Her seat belt should be the least of the officer's concerns. Hope everyone enjoys the last day of February.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Breaks for the little guys

Good Day, hope this finds everyone well? Hey this past weekend I had two pieces of artwork in the show "Images of North" at Arts Underground and lo and behold I even sold one! Things are looking up for Blair the cartoonist regarding more serious art.
Thought todays cartoon would try to get away from the weather theme of the past few days!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Start to another week

Good Morning All,

It is late Sunday night here in the Yukon, the weekend saw most of the Canada Games sports kick into action. The weatherman actually cooperated with some milder temperatures (if one would dare say -22C is really warm, but we will take that over that stuff in the minus 30 and lower range). Anyhow, since our shift is late in the day (at the games)it was thought I would populate my blog tonight rather than early tomorrow. Until tomorrow.

Ice Fishing and dont forget to unplug


This cartoon makes up for being tardy yesterday. Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

Missed blogging yesterday as was busy as a volunteer at the Canada Games as well I shovelled the driveway again, plus it was -35C yesterday morning! Anyhow today it is much warmer (-25C) and to make up here are two cartoons. Enjoy.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Baby it is coooold outside

Good Morning All,

Rather cold here in Whitehorse today (-27C) and a windchill of -38. So that gears us up for todays cartoon.
It's that kind of weather that can make your tires feel like they are square. You also need to wear lots of layers of clothing....long underwear....mitts....touques.....and for safety sake don't touch anything metal with wet hands or other moist body parts!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Hello Thursday February 22

Hi Everyone, I have been posting and practising for five days now and slowly inviting a few new friends each day. Todays cartoon is sports minded as it is the first day of the 2007 Canada games here in Whitehorse, over 200 aircraft charters are scheduled to arrive today. Sixteen days over 3000 athletes and 3500 volunteers should be an interesting few weeks. Tune into CBC or TSN and get a glimpse of the Yukon.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Day 4 Cartoon

Blogger Day Four! Hi folks, I have now added a cartoon per day since Saturday and now would like to invite you to my site.

Monday, February 19, 2007

It has been snowing all weekend

Well I am now going public with my first blogs (did a couple on the weekend to practice and now I am taking the big step!

Anyhow as the cartoon depicts it has been snowing all weekend and I used my snowblower twice!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Just practising my blogging techniques and by doing so I now know how to post a picture right in my blog.

Blair's first cartoon blog

Well hello from my first "blog" - I have always wanted to someday publish cartoons on a website or somehow put a daily cartoon out for friends and family (actually in some instances the two can even be the same). Anyhow I had made many inquiries to many different souls and had pretty much given up on posting to my own website (did not really know where to start) and on a plane ride from Calgary to Vancouver I had the distinct pleasure of sitting with a pretty young lady whom I worked with out of our Vancouver Intergovernmental Affairs office. It just so happens that Danielle is a computer wizard (amongst many other talents) and I gave her my "website wishes" scenario which prompted her to state that I should give blogging a try! She was so kind as to explain the general principals and with "Blogging for Dummies" I am now sending my first blog. So here goes.......

regards, Blair