Saturday, February 17, 2007

Blair's first cartoon blog

Well hello from my first "blog" - I have always wanted to someday publish cartoons on a website or somehow put a daily cartoon out for friends and family (actually in some instances the two can even be the same). Anyhow I had made many inquiries to many different souls and had pretty much given up on posting to my own website (did not really know where to start) and on a plane ride from Calgary to Vancouver I had the distinct pleasure of sitting with a pretty young lady whom I worked with out of our Vancouver Intergovernmental Affairs office. It just so happens that Danielle is a computer wizard (amongst many other talents) and I gave her my "website wishes" scenario which prompted her to state that I should give blogging a try! She was so kind as to explain the general principals and with "Blogging for Dummies" I am now sending my first blog. So here goes.......

regards, Blair

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