Thursday, May 31, 2007

Okay this time lets do it right!

Hey this cartoon IS REALLY appropriate for me! After posting I realised that the same cartoon was posted, so this is TODAY'S cartoon.

So what tastes worse....

Well the cyclists and backpackers are beginning to show up in the north and I can just imagine this sort of conversation taking place between a couple of bears!
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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Make way lady...pipeline coming thru!

With all the on again, off again talk of pipelines for oil/gas in the north I think this is typical of how a lot of people react to that type of news!
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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

tree hugger!

Well this is just one more way of looking at a conservationist! Talking about trees the leaves finally busted out this past week.
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Monday, May 28, 2007

which way is he leaning?

Hydro Dumpty sat on a wall, er... I mean Humpty... oh well I think you get the drift - sometimes the people who make the decisions have tough ones.............
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Friday, May 25, 2007

new remote control rototiller

Well we began preparing the garden for another season and my rototiller (actually it is Linda's and she lets me play with it each spring and fall) is up and running. Tilled one of our "beds" and will get the other one later this week, still a bit cool for planting outdoors but I installed the automatic window openers in Linda's greenhouse this morning. Hey we are forecast to hit +20C today, a great start for the weekend.
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Thursday, May 24, 2007

the real four seasons of the north

Yes the ice and snow have just left and now we are beginning to swat mosquitoes! Began readying the garden for planting sometime in the next week or two.
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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Data Mining

Good day - this cartoon is dedicated to all my Water Survey co-workers who have been doing our annual data computations for the past half of the year and are nearing completion! So all the data has been put into a format that the users (miners) can put it to work.
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Can't yer dog read?

Hello All, had a fantastic long weekend and saw lots of wildlife on the first train trip from Carcross, Yukon to Skagway, Alaska (first time this leg was run since 1982). Anyhow lots of young kids with tons of questions and this falls in line with a lot of that! Weather was incredible as we did not see a cloud all day! Of course our days are long (at least our daylight is from 5 am to 11 pm now).
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Friday, May 18, 2007

a problem storing info?

I seem to have these strange problems with computers every so often! For some unexplanable reason they will go on the fritz...........have a good long weekend and I'll be back blogging next tuesday.
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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Water Damage Sale

Good day, this one is for my friend Carol who inspired me with her beaver relocation program! Actually the problem at their lake is the lack of water and the need of more beavers to construct a dam to rejuvinate the water levels. Of course the upside to this low water is the area has become a marsh attracting many species of birds.
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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

gnomes are working overtime!

Hey the city workers seem to have things under control but some of the out of town roads have some pretty bad potholes!
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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

what do you mean opps?

Second attempt to post - boaters are getting excited for the ice to go off the lakes (I sure am anxious since I bought a boat last month and am adding the kicker this week)
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Monday, May 14, 2007

When you've had enough yard work

Well this says it all - I roto raked and then hand raked the lawn yesterday when we got home from camping! This cartoon is dedicated to those in the profession who help when people feel like this. Camped down on the coast in Alaska at Dyea near Skagway and saw our first bear of the season on our way home.
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Thursday, May 10, 2007

...Spring cleaning

Good morning, it is a clear day up here in the Yukon and people are starting to clean up their yards! If you ever had a pet you can identify with this cartoon - best to get at it before things really warm up or you too will require a clothes pin on your nose.
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Wednesday, May 9, 2007

They call them survey steaks?!?!

Good day this is for all my hydrometric workmates who are beginning the open water survey season! Yes I am envious this time of year as I am office bound working on data. Have a good day..................
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Tuesday, May 8, 2007

spandex or tofu?

Well, I know yesterday I had the bears underground but I am running low on fresh cartoons so since people are already camping in tents (on the coast anyway) here is one dedicated to early season camping. Our first week of May has already seen a mixed bag of weather!
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Monday, May 7, 2007

they think we are hibernating

Well here we go again, some snow yesterday but it did not stay on the ground, actually the ground appears to be thawed to the point where the snow does not stick. Anyhow - we camped on the weekend and have not yet saw any bears, maybe they are digging a tunnel?
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Friday, May 4, 2007

Come on in...

Well it is the first day of our camping season....we are not quite this decident but we like our motorhomes' amenities. One extreme or another! We are off to a favorite spot (a campground where we have a reservation for life) to make lists of the things we forgot to pack................have a good weekend.
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Thursday, May 3, 2007

Alcohol blamed for most crimes!

Hello everyone, just a silly cartoon on a quiet day in May. Maybe I am just feeling the spring camping bug and I know as the temperatures increase and the consumption of certain beverages can cause this sort of thing! For Gods' sake be careful out there.....................
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Tuesday, May 1, 2007

It's spring sewing

Well it is late evening on May 1st and this one is for all the farmers who will soon be sewing their fields as the growing season will quickly be upon us. We have been busy readying our motorhome for camping this weekend, we are really excited about camping as we usually are!
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Be careful when burning...

It is getting close to that time of year when we rake the dry grass and some places they actually have a (hopefully) controlled burn to put nitrogen into your soil! Anyhow whether burning dead grass or old leaves - be cautious or better yet, compost!
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