Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Can't yer dog read?

Hello All, had a fantastic long weekend and saw lots of wildlife on the first train trip from Carcross, Yukon to Skagway, Alaska (first time this leg was run since 1982). Anyhow lots of young kids with tons of questions and this falls in line with a lot of that! Weather was incredible as we did not see a cloud all day! Of course our days are long (at least our daylight is from 5 am to 11 pm now).
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Blair, nice to hear you had great long weekend. I laughed so hard when I watched the news and weather and saw how "down south" in Waskiseu, Sask and further east in Ont NB and NFLD they were camping in the snow while up here in the "far north" we had nothing but blue sky, sunshine and sort of warm weather. Take care, Peggy