Saturday, April 5, 2008

Spring Ice Fishing

Hey ice fishing is always greaaaat thisss time of year! Actually +7C right now and I should be out ice fishing but will wait a few months and do it in my boat!


Red & White Cigarettes said...

Yesterday I visited your blog and liked it very much! I have found a lot of really interesting and useful information there! The time I have spent reading was wonderful and I may say that you’ve done a great job! There are also wonderful photos! I’ve immediately added your blog to my favorite links and will enter it any time when in need of something positive. Thanks a lot!

Anonymous said...

Hi Blair, thought I would see if you had your Blog up and running and was so happy to see it is. Chilly here too but the snow is slowly melting. That comment above from fenriser is dangerous take care. Bye for now, PT