Thursday, June 21, 2007

The skid marks indicate....

Hello everyone, I have tried to post this cartoon a number of times but the file was too large for the last edition of blogger so I hope this one works! This is in honor of my sister who is ending a 30 plus year career with the Canadian Military (she has lived the past year in Yellowknife and I know the snow and ice have been gone for a while now....but this is to remind her not to leave in too big a hurry), anyhow Peggy best of luck in your new endeavors and have a safe journey into semi-retirement in your new challenge.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Blair,

Taking a much needed break while the movers are taking a lunch break.

Thank you so much for your dedicating the cartoon on your Blog today. Here it is on the cool side today, but no ice/snow.

Bye for now, Peggy